Real GDP

Real GDP  or GDP at constant price is a very useful index to
measure real or actual growth of an economy.  It is defined as the volume of current output at some basic prices. It is obtained by multiplying the goods and services produced in the current year, with the prices prevailing in the base year or constant year. 

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GDP at constant prices is also called real GDP. Base year or current year is a stable year. It is carefully selected as one in who is there are no natural calamities like floods earthquake drought epidemic or wars. The prices remain stable through the year. At present the base year in India is 1999  - 2000. Each year every country calculates GDP at constant prices. To estimate GDP at constant prices,multiply the value of all final goods and services produced in the current year with prices  prevailing in current year.

This estimate is a reliable index of economic growth of country.  GDP at constant price will increase only when there is rise in the output of goods and services in the country during a another word if output of final goods and services rises in a  particular and prices are taken to be constant As given by constant year GDP at constant price will write it implies economic growth a high rate of economic growth  improve the standard of living of people.